• 2022-06-07
    36. The bread ________ is hard and green, though the same price as a week ago.
    A: in sale
    B: off sale
    C: upon sale
    D: on sale
  • D


    • 0

      23. Sale by sample includes sale by seller’s sample, sale by buyer’s sample and sale by duplicate sample.

    • 1

      When is the sale?The sale is from __________ to __________.

    • 2

      Many a ______ would have a sale without profit rather than to have no sale at all. A: sale men B: salesman C: salesmen D: sale man

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: Is this the sale price?

    • 4

      The green shorts are sale for 25 dollars. A: in B: for C: with D: on