• 2022-06-07
    He was______ for military service at the age of eighteen and spent a year in the army.
    A: called in
    B: sent out
    C: called up
    D: taken on
  • A


    • 0

      He _____his parents to attend the graduation ceremony at Harvard. A: sent out B: sent in C: sent for D: sent up

    • 1

      Families of the victims of the Covid-19 (新冠肺炎) epidemic ______ an investigation into the source of the disease. They stated that it’s imperative to find out where it began. A: called off B: called fo C: called in D: called up

    • 2

      He ________ out when somebody called at his office.

    • 3

      Who ______ the workers to take up the struggle A: called for B: called on C: called in D: called off

    • 4

      “I don’t understand the old man,” he said, smoothing out his army uniform of which he was______ proud. A: most B: obviously C: possibly D: successfully