• 2021-04-14
    We ought to think ourselves back into the shoes of the Saxon peasant.
  • metaphor


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      As teachers we should concern with what is said, not what we think . A: must say B: need to say C: have to be said D: ought to be said

    • 1

      "If we fail to act now," said Tom, "we'll find ourselves ()this later on." A: pay back B: pay for C: pay up D: pay off

    • 2

      Should we ___________ those who have betrayed us? I think we'd better forgive but not forget. A: think back on B: bring down C: pick at D: take revenge on

    • 3

      We wish to introduce ________ the largest importers of foot wear in Fiji. A: that we are B: it that we are C: ourselves as D: ourselves to be

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      I don't think we can do it all ____. A: y ourselves B: y myself C: y ourself D: y yourselves