• 2022-06-09
    II. Reading-Blank Filling (1 point each, 10 points in all) Directions: There are ten blanks in the following two passages. Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word from the word bank to complete the passage.注意:每个词只能用一次,只需在填空中填写单词前的字母。如 A. apple B. pear C. banana 只需要在相应填空中填写 A,B或C字母,以此类推;大小写均可;勿加标点。 A. having married B. who C. resentment D. willingE. wore F. secrets G. unwillingly H. whichOne way to make a marriage work is by being unselfish. My husband, Jim, is probably the most unselfish man I know. He makes me be ______ to do things for him because of his generous nature. He often takes the initiative to rinse the dishes and take care of the children. I bet there are many times he would rather be reading, relaxing or working on the pasture, but he only does something for himself when all household chores are done and the kids have been taken care of. In return, I bake him all his favorite food as a treat. I feel very fortunate to ______ him.Another way to make a marriage last is to have a good sense of humor. The other day Jim and I ______ ourselves out after being up with the kids all night. We were both irritable on that night, and soon we started to accuse each other of some trivial matters, but then we just looked at each other and started laughing. I don’t know why, but it felt good and helped relieve the tension. Being able to communicate is very important for a successful marriage as well. Jim is my best friend, with ______ I share most of my thoughts. We find it easy to talk about most things, so we don’t have many ______ from each other. When my mother vexes him, he tells me about it. Things like that are easier to deal with when they’re out in the open than when they’re kept inside. Thus, we have a very open, intimate and comfortable relationship.
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