• 2022-06-09
    This cake was( )sugar, flour, butter and eggs.
    A: make from
    B: make of
    C: make out
    D: make out of
  • B


    • 0

      Don’t _________ the disabled! A: make up B: make fun of C: make for D: make out

    • 1

      In the dim light, it was difficult to ________ the figure. A: make out B: make up for C: make over D: make up

    • 2

      How did you () with your classmates A: make out B: make up C: make off D: make up to

    • 3

      Hard work can often__( )____ a lack of intelligence. A: make up B: make into C: make out D: make up for

    • 4

      I couldn't ____________ it ____________ —did they want our help or not A: make: for B: make; off C: make; out D: make; up