• 2022-06-09
    The most fundamental qi of human body is ( )。
    A: Primordial qi
    B: Pectoral qi
    C: Nutritive qi
    D: Defensive qi
  • A


    • 0


    • 1

      It is said in Suwen that “excessive anger” _________. A: drives qi to flow upward B: makes qi sluggish C: consumes qi D: disorders qi

    • 2

      Depression is usually caused by (). A: Spleen qi stagnation B: Stomach qi stagnation C: Liver qi stagnation D: Kidney qi stagnation

    • 3

      亲戚(qi、不是读成 qì)

    • 4

      Which of the followings is the main cooperative function of the heart and lung? A: The production of nutrient qi B: The production of Zong qi C: Circulation of qi and blood D: Inter-dependece of qi and blood