• 2022-06-09
    The writer says map reading is a frustrating experience because ____.
  • the destination will often be marked very near the edge of the map


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      Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage A: The writer's intended journey created particular difficulties in his lemming of Arabic. B: The reading and writing of the Arabic script gave the writer lasting pleasure. C: The writer found learning Arabic was a grueling experience but rewarding. D: The writer regarded Ahmed's praise of his pronunciation as tongue-in-cheek

    • 1

      The writer says most victims of identity theft ______.

    • 2

      The writer says that museums, heritage sites and theme parks

    • 3

      The writer says that people leaving a well-organized meeting will   understand

    • 4

      Why does the writer say “my final decision to attend college seemed a natural one”? A: Because it was decided by the writer’s parents. B: Because the writer studied very well. C: Because the writer liked nature. D: Because the writer had a clear idea about why he came to college.