• 2022-06-06
    下列代码中,可以用来连接MongoDB数据库的是( )。
    A: client = MongoClient()
    B: client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
    C: client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017')
    D: client = MongoClient('//localhost:27017')。
  • A,B,C



    • 0

      连接 MySQL 数据库的正确方法是( ) A: mysql_open("localhost","root","root"); B: mysql_connect("localhost","root","root"); C: connect_mysql("localhost","root","root"); D: dbopen("localhost","root","root");

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      系统采用开放的结构设计及功能的模块化,使用嵌入式多任务操作系统,采用()软件开发模式,数据库方式管理录音。 A: Client/Server B: Blower/Server C: Client/Client D: 以上都不对

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      The nurse is caring for a client with an acute bleeding cerebral aneurysm. Which of the following activities is not appropriate in nursing care() A: Position the client to prevent airway obstruction. B: Keep the client in one position to decrease bleeding. C: Administer IV fluid as ordered and monitor the client for signs of fluid volume excess. D: Maintain the client in a quiet environment.