• 2022-06-06
    taxi instruction
    A: Taxi via H and G
    B: Follow an airbus 320 via G and H
    C: Taxi straight ahead
    D: Taxi via taxiway G and T
  • B


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      中国大学MOOC: Remember the taxi company and number of the taxi when out at night.

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      “坐公交车或出租车需要多长时间?”的正确英文表述是( ) A: How far will it take by bus/taxi? B: How long will it take by bus/taxi? C: What time will it take by bus/taxi? D: How much will it take by bus/taxi?

    • 2

      To win, we need to stay ahead of the __________. A: game B: horse C: car D: taxi

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      It carries people or things on a river.() A: land B: lake C: taxi D: boat E: street F: plane G: bridge

    • 4

      My car would not start so I came here______. A: on the foot B: on feet C: in a taxi D: by a taxi