• 2022-06-06
    It was _________ and you can't charge (指控) me.
    A: self-help
    B: self-employed
    C: self-defense
    D: self-reliance
  • C


    • 0

      ______________has been called “America’s Declaration of Intellectual Independence”. A: The Oversoul B: The Self Reliance C: The American Scholar

    • 1

      class Student:def __init__(self,name,age):self.name=nameself.age=agedef fun1(self):print("hello")( )def fun2(self):print("yes")child=Child("Tom",20)child.fun1()

    • 2

      超越自我英语表达是啥? A: over me B: beyond the self C: super me

    • 3

      Which two magazines are published by the same publisher A: Wired and Instyle. B: Discover and Instyle. C: Self and Discover. D: Self and Wired.

    • 4

      _______________ are the external factors you need to investigate when you do self evaluation.