• 2022-06-06
    The director, who was recently promoted, did ______.
    A: work more than anyone else
    B: more than anyone else work
    C: more work than anyone else
    D: work more than anyone
  • C


    • 0

      His English is better than ____ in this class. A: anyone else else's B: anyone's C: anyone's else D: anyone

    • 1

      His composition is better than () in the class. A: anyone B: anyone’s C: anyone else D: anyone else’s

    • 2

      Li Ming’s handwriting is better than ___ in the class. A: anyone’s B: anyone else C: anyone’s else’s D: anyone else’s

    • 3

      用 more than, no more than, not more than, no more ... than, not more ... than填空。 He had to work at the age of ________ twelve.

    • 4

      The( ) of the negotiations was more favorable than anyone had expected.