• 2022-06-06
    中国大学MOOC: Flight information includes airline, flight number, time of departure and arrival, and the flight confirmation number.
  • 内容

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      Which informaiton is NOT on the boarding cards? A: Seat number B: Flight number C: Departure time D: Ticket price

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      选出对应中文意思:Arrival flight number

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      9.Which information is not helpful for tracing the man's luggage? A: His flight number and arrival time. B: The cause of the flight's late arrival. C: The number of his luggage check. D: The description of his luggage.

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      A guide ahould check and reconfirm the time, flight and number of tickets with the airline one day before departure.

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      Boarding pass includes _________ A: passenger's name and flight code B: boarding and departure time, boarding gate C: cabin (FCY) and seat number D: All the above