• 2022-06-06
    As music plays an important role in our life, many music teachers and educators ________ taking up a musical instrument at young age.
    A: advocate
    B: circumstance
    C: civilian
    D: widow
  • A


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      Many music teachers and educators __________ taking up a musical instrument at a young age. ( ) A: interrogate B: mention C: advocate D: promote

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      n. a person who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a job A: objection B: musician C: physician D: missile

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      She has no formal (music / musical) qualifications. A: music B: musical

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      Playing a musical instrument is a valuable experience for a child. They teach them many important things.

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      In "Einstein and What Music Did for His Genius", which one do you think is not the role music can play in Einstein's life? A: Music makes him become a pop culture icon. B: Music makes children love him more. C: Music helps to stimulate his creativity. D: Music was his lifelong friend.