• 2022-06-06
    What is often put in front of the main ingredient in a Chinese dish name?‎​‎
    A: How the dish is cooked.
    B: The sauce
    C: Flavor
    D: Other ingredients
  • A


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      You can ____the flavor of the dish by using fresh herbs.

    • 1

      Fish and chips is a traditional dish often eaten on .

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      What kind of dish is Bibimbap?

    • 3

      L3Q3 A: A) No one knows. B: B) The Chinese chef used the wrong recipes. C: C) The hungry miners requested a new dish to be served. D: D) A Chinese chef created the dish from the left-overs for the miners.

    • 4

      What is the meaning of “Qingyan” in the dish name “Qingyan Fried Tofu”? ( ) A: It is the name of a person who made the dish. B: It is the name of an ancient town in Guiyang. C: It is the name of a green vegetable. D: It is the name of a famous alley in Guiyang.