• 2022-06-06
    Please note that the items marked with a tick can be supplied _____ stock.
    A: in
    B: from
    C: outof
    D: out
  • B


    • 0

      Please note that Items Nos. 1-10 can be Certainly promised for immediate shipment ( ) receipt of your order. A: if B: whether C: at D: upon

    • 1

      We are pleased to inform.you that the item you requested can be supplied()stock.

    • 2

      immediately should any items be out of stock. If you are not happy

    • 3

      We have plenty of the goods ( ) stock. You can place the order any time. A: from B: out C: in D: for

    • 4

      In case the said goods are not available _______ stock, please keep us informed at an early date. A: in B: by C: from D: out of