• 2022-06-06
    I would like to reserve a presidential ____ for one night.
    A: set
    B: floor
    C: room
    D: suite
  • D


    • 0

      What kind of room is left on the 7th floor A: One night. B: Two nights. C: One week.

    • 1

      I set out one place setting for each ______at dinner last night. A: house B: room C: guest D: door

    • 2

      I would like to reserve a family ____.

    • 3

      What kind of room exists in a five-star hotel? A: Presidential suite B: Deluxe family room C: Studio

    • 4

      What kind of room can you find in a youth hostel? A: Single room B: Presidential suite C: Deluxe family room D: Studio