• 2022-06-06
    In the short story The Swing, the old woman became less active physically when she grew old, so she felt lonely in her emotional life. That is why “she began to dream again.”
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      As she (grew) older her vision (began) sporadically to fade, so that intermittent times she (seldom) knew what she (was looking) at. A: grew B: began C: seldom D: was looking

    • 1

      The policeman asked the old woman _________ so that he could take her home. A: where did she live B: how she lived C: where she lived D: how lived she

    • 2

      There was a feeling in the old woman _____ she could never see her daughter again. A: that B: which C: of which D: what

    • 3

      Why was Jenny unhappy at the beginning of the conversation A: She lost some money. B: She lost her temper and felt regretted. C: The old man felt impatient with her. D: She didn't have enough to do something.

    • 4

      Music first _________ her when she was four years old: