• 2022-06-07
    A: context
    B: content
    C: contest
    D: contact
  • C


    • 0

      n. 竞赛,比赛;争夺,竞争 vt. 争夺,与......竞争;对......提出质疑 c__________

    • 1

      I hope this ___________ can be included. A: content (v.) B: content (adj.) C: content (n.)

    • 2

      n. 竞赛,比赛

    • 3

      He _____________ himself with a glass of beer after work today. A: content (v.) B: content (adj.) C: content (n.)

    • 4

      v. flourish, bloom, thrive; n. a flower or a mass of flowers, especially on a fruit tree or bush; A: canteen B: contest C: compass D: blossom