• 2022-06-07
    Also (known) as a movie (or) a film, the motion picture is one of the most popular (form) of art and entertainment (throughout) the world.()
    A: known
    B: or
    C: form
    D: throughout
  • C


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      Canada’s form of government is based on theBritish parliamentary system, also known as ________________.

    • 1

      ___ are known throughout the world as the three treasures of china.( ). A: Beijing Opera B: Traditional Chinese medicine C: Traditional Chinese painting D: All of the above

    • 2

      Which one is the most populous and most popular city of the United States of America, also known as the "Big Apple"? A: Washington, D.C. B: Chicago C: New York City D: New Orleans

    • 3

      Disney World is the most popular ___ in the world.

    • 4

      The structure of a song is the framework the song is built on. One of the most popular and well used formulas is the___________. A: verse-Chorus form B: verse-chorus-bridge form C: AABA D: AAA