• 2022-06-07
    In polynomial coding, arithmetic operations of polynomials have carry in addition and borrow in subtraction.
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      The encoder of the block transform coding system performs four operations: subimage decomposition, transformation, ______ and coding.

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      数字减影血管造影基于( )运算What operation does digital subtraction angiography use A: 加法Addition B: 减法Subtraction C: 乘法Multiplication D: 除法division

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      The ALU (arithmetic and logic unit) tells the rest of the computer system how to carry out a program's instructions.

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      The team will have to ____ without you. A: carry off B: carry out C: carry on

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      We have a plan. And we'll _____. A: carry on it B: carry out it C: carry it on D: carry it out