• 2022-06-07
    He told me _____ would come to his birthday party.
    A: many Jack friends
    B: Jack's many friends
    C: many Jack's friend
    D: many friends of Jack's
  • D


    • 0

      How many friends are going to the man’s birthday party A: Three. B: Four. C: Five.

    • 1

      How many bedrooms are there in Jack’s house A: Two. B: Three. C: One.

    • 2

      [音频]When Bob knows that Jack and some of his friends are having a 1 at Emily’s house, he says he would like to join them A: meeting B: party C: game

    • 3

      Jack was invited to ___________his friend’s birthday party this Friday. A: attend B: attends C: attended D: attending

    • 4

      Now Jack with his friends ________ football on the playground.