• 2022-06-07
    of the following are incorrectly paired? ()
    A: Epinephrine:increased glycogenolysis in skeletal muscle
    B: Insulin:increased protein synthesis
    C: Glucagon:increased gluconeogenesis
    D: Progesterone:increased plasma glucose level
    E: Growth hormone:increased
    plasma glucose level
  • D


    • 0

      The hormone that lower blood glucose level is A: glucocorticoid B: adrenaline C: glucagon D: insulin

    • 1

      Increased plasma colloid osmotic pressure will increaseproduction of tissue fluid.

    • 2

      Which of the following increases the rate of excretion of calcium ions by kidney?() A: decrease the calcitonin concentration in the<br/>plasma B: increase the phosphate ion concentration in the plasma C: decrease in the plasma level of parathyroid hormone D: metabolic alkalosis E: increase in the plasma level of parathyroid hormone

    • 3

      Increased plasma colloid osmotic pressure will increaseproduction of tissue fluid. A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 4

      Which<br/>one will be found in bleeding disease due to vitamin-K deficiency?() A: Decreased platelet count B: Vessel damage C: Increased D-dimer level D: Decreased fibrinogen level E: Prolonged PT and APTT