• 2022-06-06
    make the same arrangement for clothing and toy spending-don't your budget, but allocate portions of your budget to them.
    A: add on
    B: add up
    C: add in
    D: add to
  • D


    • 0

      单选(10分)<br/>实现两个相同类型数加法的函数模板的声明是() A: add(T x, T y) B: T<br/>add(T x, y) C: T<br/>add(x, y) D: T<br/>add(T x, T y)

    • 1

      函数模板:template<class T> T add(T x,T y){return x+y;} 下列对 add 函数的调用不正确的是 A: add <> (1,2) B: add <int> (1,2) C: add (1.0,2) D: add(1.0,2.0)

    • 2

      add to 增加,增进 add ⋯ to把⋯加进 ⋯ add up 相加 add up to 总计,所有这一切说明1) I don't think these facts will __________ ____ anything. 2) Fifty new books have been ___________ ___ the library. 3) The music ___________ ____ our enjoyment of the film. 4) You must have made a mistake when you _________ ____ the bill ________.

    • 3

      I hope you enjoy them and please feel free to add your own captions to the pictures.

    • 4

      Eating more calories than you burn in daily activity and exercise can lead to obesity. Over time, these extra calories_____________and cause weight gain. A: add to B: add in C: add up D: add up to