• 2022-06-06
    They become accustomed____their earnings on drugs and alcohol.
    A: to spend
    B: spend
    C: spending
    D: to spending
  • D


    • 0

      I can hardly imagine_____so much money on a coat like that. A: spending B: spend C: to spend D: spent

    • 1

      That holiday I spent more money than I intended _____. A: to spend B: being spent C: spend D: to be spending

    • 2

      Which do you enjoy ______ your spare time, playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park A: spending B: to spend C: being spend D: spend

    • 3

      Where are you considering ------ the vacation? A: spending B: to spend C: spended D: spends

    • 4

      The teacher demanded ()a lot of time practising our spoken English out of class. A: us to spend B: us that we should spend C: us spending D: that we spend