• 2022-06-06
    You may experience difficulty swallowing after a _____.
    A: recovery
    B: stroke
    C: choke
  • B


    • 0

      according to the statement " •If you feel pain and scratchiness in your throat and have difficulty swallowing, you probably have a sore throat. " what are the symptons of having a sore throat? ?xml:namespace>

    • 1

      Wine is like life in that you can________ good _______ bad only after you experience it.

    • 2

      Never lose heart ______ difficulty you may meet with. A: what B: whatever C: how D: however

    • 3

      You may be physically and _____exhausted after a long flight.

    • 4

      You may be _________and mentally exhausted after a long flight.