• 2022-06-06
    That house is ______ than my house.
  • bigger


    • 0

      My parents live in a house _________ is more than 100 years old.

    • 1

      This is a green house, not a red house. a green house的重音在哪个单词上? A: green B: house

    • 2

      ______ is in the country. A. My uncle’s and aunt’s house B. My uncle and aunt’s house C. My uncle’s and aunt house D. My uncle and aunt house’s

    • 3

      The cost of my house is higher than ______ of his. A: any B: cost C: that D: it

    • 4

      The Parliament of Canada consists of the Senate and A: the House of Lords. B: B. the House of Commons. C: the Upper House. D: D. the House of Representatives.