• 2022-06-06
    He wants nothing but a house of ______.
    A: his own
    B: himself
    C: his father
    D: his own house
  • A


    • 0

      Odysseus recovered his identity of the master of his own palace. At last he reunited with his wife , and his father Laertes, he told them his various adventures.

    • 1

      When he was a young man, he traveled about the world ______. A: on its own B: of its own C: on his own D: of his own

    • 2

      As a consolidator, the freight forwarder will provide the service in his own name and issue a house bill of lading. To the individual consignor, the consolidator is the ( ), while in his relationship with the actual carrier, he is the consignor.

    • 3

      as a consolidator, the freight forwarder will provide the service in his own name and issue a house bill of lading. to the individual consignor, the consolidator in the carriers, while in his relationship with the actual carrier, he is the ( ).

    • 4

      The author returned home for winter break, feeling proud of himself because __________. A: he managed to be an honorable and industrious top student in the college B: he made quite a few friends on his own without the help of his father's good reputation C: he successfully lived independently by himself in a college far away from home D: he was admired by the girl in his college for having a well-respected father