• 2022-06-06
    When is the tomb-sweeping activity usually on Qingming Day( )
    A: The first five days
    B: The first 15 days
    C: The first 20 days
  • A


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      Mr. Holland’s first days in John F. Kennedy High School

    • 1

      Leto first gave birth to Apollo and then after another nine days of labor to Artemis.

    • 2

      (obvious) __________ ,I met with some difficulties within the first few days of my new job.

    • 3

      6. My mind is always drawn back to that first day in the meadow, the explosions destroying the peaceful flowers and the naïve days of my childhood. (Para.9, L1)

    • 4

      He has kept the broken typewriter on his desk for years, because it is remindful ____ the days when he was striving to have his first novel published.