• 2022-06-06
    When was the Yuantong Temple built?
    A: in early 8th century
    B: in mid 8th century
    C: in late 8th century
  • C


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      The realist novelists of the 18 th century include__

    • 1

      The literary trends in 18 th century England include______

    • 2

      Westward Movement began in ________. ( ) A: the late 18th century B: the early 19th century C: the early 18th century D: the late 17th century

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: In the 8th century, the from the Scandinavian countries of Northern Europe began to attack the English coast.

    • 4

      The two major Greek epic poems believed to be authored by Homer in the end of the 8th century BC are the Iliad and Odyssey.