• 2022-06-06
    A poet must have a _______ imagination.
    A: fertile
    B: lot
    C: number
    D: adequate
  • A


    • 0

      He is a poet with ________ imagination. A: luxurious B: luxuriant C: luscious D: luxury

    • 1

      Which of the following sentences expresses probability A: He must have picked up a cold—he’s begun to snuffle. B: We must have a clear understanding of the problem. C: One must have one’s own opinions and not drift with the current. D: To be healthy one must have an adequate diet.

    • 2

      You have()time to catch the bus. A: a lot B: a plenty of C: plenty of D: a number of

    • 3

      They have given us _______ valuable information . A: a lot of B: many C: a few D: a number of

    • 4

      Painting is a _______ job that requires a lot of imagination.