• 2022-06-06
    The wine is served with label facing to the guest so that the guest can see the bottle at any time.
  • 正确


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      中国大学MOOC: The British value punctuality, so be on time at any time.

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      Request the guest ________by a certain time and date.

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      Occupancy Rate is the ratio of guest room sold to guest rooms sold available for sale in a given time period.( )

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      The seat of honor, reserved for the master of the banquet or the guest with highest status, is the one in the center facing ________.

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      Which of the following are included in the duties for a typical clerk at the front desk to check out a guest? A: finding out the guest's name and room number B: ask if the guesthas recently signed any new bills C: print the bill D: present the bill and total to the guest E: answer the questions concerning the bill F: settle the account G: photocopy the pertinent information and see the guest's passort