• 2022-06-06
    The country where the number of young women smokers increases fastest is ______
    A: Norway
    B: Austria
    C: Hungary
    D: Sweden
  • B


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      In Norway, young men and women usually get married before 30 to avoid having pepper thrown at them.

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      We can describe Iran with such a description that it is ______. A: a country with the first female judge of the world B: a country with highly developed democracy C: a country where women are in a difficult situation D: a country that shows great respect to women

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      7. What do such governments as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands provide ?

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      Everybody in our country, men and women, old and young, ______ sports and games. A: are fond of B: enjoys C: go in for D: take part in

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      4.What is true about smokers in the view of Peto? A: 1/2 young men and 9/10 young women do not smoke at all in developed countries. B: In developed countries, when the smokers keep smoking, about half of their citizens will be killed by it. C: When the smokers stop smoking for 40 years, they will reduce their risk of dying from tobacco at a really high rate. D: Globally, most smokers, especially in developing countries, would rather go on smoking than quit it.