• 2022-06-06
    The most popular tourist accommodation is the hotel, where you can request half-board including( ).
    A: accommodation, meals and drinks
    B: breakfast and dinner
    C: all three meals
    D: meals and drinks
  • B


    • 0

      We’ll be responsible for your meals and __________. A: apologies B: accommodation C: flight delay D: service

    • 1

      If you are going to lose weight, you should ______. A: order your meals with three different sizes B: carefully plan your meals according to the portion sizes C: make a plan of cooking your own meals D: have three fresh meals every day

    • 2

      Which of the following are not the tour guide's basic tasks? A: Arrange for meals, accommodation, transportation of visits. B: Arrange the itinerary of visits. C: Guide and introduce to and around the tourist sites. D: Solve all the problems of the tourists during the trip.

    • 3

      Which of the following sentences is true of meals A: Meals can be served in your room but you have to pay additional money. B: Meals can be served any time as you wish. C: Meals are refreshed and served in rooms between 10:00 a.m. and 11: 00p.m.. D: Meals can be served together with tea, coffee, cakes and so on.

    • 4

      The Elizabethans, like us, had three main meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and supper.