• 2022-06-07
    The boy seemed more () to their poverty after seeing how his grandparents lived.
    A: reconciled
    B: consolidated
    C: deteriorated
    D: attributed
  • A


    • 0

      But for his poverty, he ______ more students living in the poverty stricken areas to go to universities. A: has assisted B: would have assisted C: assist D: will assist

    • 1

      The boy has to look after himself, because his parents________abroad.

    • 2

      因为贫穷,早期很少有人愿意相信他。但是随着时间的推移,王叔和治愈的病人越来越多,他的名声也越来越大。( ) A: Because of his poverty, few people trusted him at first, however, as time went by, more and more people recovered after being treated by Wang, making him famous. B: Because of his poverty, few people chose to believe him at first, whereas, with time going by, more and more people recovered after treated by Wang, making him famous.

    • 3

      Many feel the governor should be more ______ of Ms. Gabardo's efforts, seeing as how she was integral in launching his political career. A: (A) doubtful B: (B) appreciative C: (C) wary D: (D) considerable

    • 4

      The boy is ______ than his brother. A: happy B: happier C: more happy D: the happy