• 2022-06-07
    Nothing can prohibit a culture to be transmitted from generation to generation.()
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      Taboos often are rooted in the beliefs of the people of a specific region or culture and are passed down froom generation to generation.

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      The generation after WWI is generally called the Beat Generation and the generation after WWII is often called the Lost Generation.

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      Hemingway is one of the writers who are called ________, a term coined by Steinreferring to the post-war generation. A: The Beat Generation B: The Lost Generation C: The New Generation D: The Old Generation

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      A person can be influenced at the same time by a national culture, a regional culture, an ethnic culture, a gender culture and a generation culture.

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      ______ is the study of how characteristics are passed from generation to generation. A: cholesterol B: conspicuous C: Genetics D: Genes