• 2021-04-14
    It was because he was ill ______ he didn’t go to school.
  • that


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      中国大学MOOC: Because ill, he didn’t attend the meeting.

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      他没有出席她的生日晚会,因为他必须在天黑之前回到学校。 A: He didn’t attend to her birthday party as he had to get school dark. B: He didn’t go to her birthday party as he had to get back to school. C: He didn’t attend her birthday party as he had to get back to school before dark.

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      He didn't go to the party not ____ the time but ____ he was ill. A: because of, because B: because, because C: because, because of D: because of, because of

    • 3

      He __________ go to school yesterday. A: didn't B: doesn't C: has

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      John didn't attend the meeting ______ he was ill A: because of B: because C: when D: where