• 2022-06-09
    This dress was made ____________.
    A: by hands
    B: with hands
    C: by hand
    D: with hand
  • C


    • 0

      Ontheone hand I admire your ability, but _______I distrust your judgment. A: on another hand B: on the other hand C: on other hand D: on the other hands

    • 1

      The range of surgical hand washing includes ( ) A: Hands and wrists B: Hands and forearms C: Hands, forearms and upper arms D: Hands, forearms and lower 1/3 upper arm

    • 2

      The movie wasn't very interesting, but _____ it was not expensive. A: on the other hands B: in the other hand C: on the other hand

    • 3

      Mary offers her hand to shake hands with Simon.

    • 4

      Which hand should you use to give a gift to someone in Malaysia? A: Right hand B: Left hand C: both hands D: Both A and C