• 2022-06-09
    From Lecture One of this Unit, we learn that understanding and expressing are not the same. Which one is more difficult?
    A: understanding
    B: expressing
    C: Both are difficult.
    D: Both are easy.
  • B


    • 0

      For two individuals who engage in the same two productive activities, it is impossible for one of the two individuals to ( ) A: have a comparative advantage in both activities. B: have an absolute advantage in both activities. C: be more productive per unit of time in both activities. D: gain from trade with each other.

    • 1

      We have much__1__(difficult) understanding what he says.

    • 2

      We have much ________ (difficult) understanding what he says.

    • 3

      In the eyes of the author, one should start from ______ in wide reading. A: interesting materials B: books with very few pages C: materials not too difficult D: both A and C

    • 4

      You have a difficult essay to write, but you have no way of expressing your ideas without using exactly the same words from the original source. This is NOT an act of plagiarism.