• 2022-06-08
    She ______ her holiday in Finland.
    A: said me about
    B: told about
    C: said about
    D: told me about
  • D


    • 0

      ____ told police about it. A: That was me that B: That was I who C: It was I that D: It is me whom

    • 1

      He told me the meeting begin. A: will B: was C: was about to D: should

    • 2

      "How did Jamie find out about her promotion She () by her boss. " A: told B: has told C: was told D: was telling

    • 3

      You ________ me about it yesterday. A: tell B: told C: talked D: talk

    • 4

      --- Let me tell you something about the journalists. A: told B: telling C: to tell D: to have told