• 2021-04-14
    Charter school students are scheduled to attend school more often than students who attend neighborhood schools.
  • Fact


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      Over 7% of school children attend independent fee-paying schools,or______ schools. A: public B: primary C: secondary D: private

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      In a term students do far more than just ______ classes. A: attend B: attended C: attending D: to attend

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      In the course of a day students do far more than just ______ classes. A: attend B: B. attended C: to attend D: D. attending

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      ______ makes the school famous is ______ more than 90% of the students have been admitted to universities.

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      Prior to higher education American students attend school for total of _________ years。( ) A: 11 B: 9 C: 10 D: 12