• 2022-06-07
    Don't be discouraged. _______ things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.[br][/br] [br][/br]
    A: Taking
    B: To take
    C: Take
    D: Taken
  • C


    • 0

      Don't<br/>let your frustrations _________of your future. A: get<br/>in the way B: take<br/>a turn C: pave<br/>the way for D: get<br/>its own way

    • 1

      This passport photo doesn’t look like you at all, so you must have another one (<br/>) . A: taking B: to take C: taken D: took

    • 2

      Don’t take the wrong turn before you<br/>( ) the railway<br/>station. A: have B: run C: reach

    • 3

      If<br/>you have something, keep it. Don't take the chance of losing it in<br/>order to get something better.________ A: Don't<br/>look a gift horse in the mouth. B: A<br/>bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. C: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. D: There<br/>are plenty of fish in the sea. E: If<br/>at first you don't succeed, try, try, again. F: The<br/>proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    • 4

      — Why don't we take a little break? [br][/br]— Didn't we just have _______?[br][/br] [br][/br] A: it B: that C: one D: this