• 2021-04-14
    People are often influenced by reference groups to which they do not belong. ________ refer to groups to which an individual wishes to belong.
  • Aspirational groups


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      People born in the year of 1940, 1952, or 1964 belong to the Dragon zodiac sign. People born in which of the following years also belong to the Dragon zodiac sign?

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      The black-billed cuckoo has been known to steal eggs _____<br/>to other birds. A: belong B: which belonging C: which they belong D: that belong

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      The Seismic Fortification Classification of Buildings categorizes buildings into four groups according to their importance and function of these buildings in earthquake events, among which, the elementary school buildings belong to ( ) Class . A: A B: B C: C D: D

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      中国大学MOOC: People born in the year of 1940, 1952, or 1964 belong to the Dragon zodiac sign. People born in which of the following years also belong to the Dragon zodiac sign?

    • 4

      Which is the euphemism for ethnic groups in America?