• 2022-06-07
    In color doppler ,we often use red represent ( )
    A: artery
    B: vein
    C: the blood flow move toward the probe
    D: the blood flow move away from the probe
  • C


    • 0

      If<br/>the Reynold’s number of blood flow is 3500, then the flow<br/>will be A: laminar<br/>flow B: idea flow C: turbulent flow D: smooth flow

    • 1

      What can not produce Doppler effect in human body ( ) A: Fetal heart B: Heart valve C: Stationary liver tissue D: Blood flow

    • 2

      Which organ is regarded as a pump in the blood circulation? A: Heart B: Artery C: Vein D: Capillary

    • 3

      Massage may help to increase blood flow to ______ areas of the body.

    • 4

      What best describes the normal blood flow to the lungs in a supine patient? ( ) A: largely uniform B: decreased flow to apices relative to bases C: increased flow to upper lobes