• 2021-04-14
    The Age of Realism in America stretches from the end of the Civil War in ____________ to the outbreak of the First World War in____________.
  • 1865...1914


    • 0

      The ______ turned out to be America’s longest war it had ever fought. A: First World War B: Second World War C: Korean War D: Vietnam War

    • 1

      American Romanticism started in the early 19th century and lasted until _____. A: the Independence War B: the American Civil War C: the First World War D: the Indian War

    • 2

      The event took place during() A: First World War B: the First World War C: World War the One D: the World War One

    • 3

      The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War, was a civil war fought from _______to _______.

    • 4

      Which of the following factors contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War?