• 2022-06-07
    The hair depend upon the nourishment of( ).
    A: liver
    B: lung
    qi kidney essence
    C: kidney essence
    D: food
    E: body fluid
  • C


    • 0

      How to understand "people with big ears are blessed" from the perspective of TCM?() A: lung qi is sufficient B: kidney qi is sufficient C: spleen qi is exuberant D: heart qi is sufficient and active

    • 1

      Poisons<br/>are primarily metabolized in which of the following organs () A: Liver B: Lung C: Kidney D: Pancreas

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      Alcohol<br/>is mainly metabolized in which of the following organs? () A: Liver B: Lung C: Kidney D: Pancreas

    • 3

      Which of the following materials is the origins of the human being? A: Body fluids B: Essence qi of the univserse C: Blood D: Essence of the diet

    • 4

      The propelling funciton of qi is mainly governed by which organ? A: The heart B: The lung C: The spleen D: The kidney