• 2022-06-07
    Which of the following is correct about the definite treatment site
    for the new coronavirus pneumonia. (
    A: Suspected and confirmed cases should be isolated and treated in
    designated hospitals with effective isolation and protection
    B: Single patient isolation treatment for suspected patients.
    C: Suspected patients can be admitted to the same ward.
    D: Confirmed patients can be admitted to the same ward.
    E: Critical cases should be admitted to ICU as soon as possible.
  • A,B,D,E


    • 0

      Which of the following is wrong about influenza prevention A: Vaccination before influenza B: Giving amantadine to all susceptible people before influenza epidemic C: isolation and treatment of influenza patients D: reduction of public gatherings

    • 1

      The police _______ the driver _____ stealing but the witnesses ______ his innocence. A: charged, with, confirmed B: charged, of, suspected C: charged, with, suspected D: charged, into, confirmed

    • 2

      How can doctors work in partnership with patients? A: listen to patients and respond to their concerns and preferences B: give patients the information they want or need in a way they can understand C: respect patients' rights to reach decisions with you about their treatment and care D: support patients in caring for themselves to improve and maintain their health

    • 3

      The ages of all the patients in the isolation ward of the hospital are 38, 26, 13, 41 and 22. What is the population variance? A: 106.8 B: 91.4 C: 240.3 D: 42.4

    • 4

      Up till now at least 7000 patients have been __________(hospital) for suspected 2019-nCoV disease.