• 2022-06-07
    How many hours can international students work during school breaks?
    A: Twenty hours
    B: More than twenty hours.
    C: Thirty hours.
    D: Not mentioned
  • B


    • 0

      For how many hours is the art exhibition open() A: Eight hours. B: Seven hours. C: Nine hours. D: Ten hours.

    • 1

      The legislation that determines how many hours a locative operator can work is called Hours of Service (HOS).

    • 2

      How many hours on average do Americans read a week according the survey? A: 10.7 hours. B: 4.1 hours. C: 3.1 hours. D: 5.35 hours.

    • 3

      Two hours (be) ____________ a short period of time during the working hours.

    • 4

      47. How many hours will the applicants work each week? A: A. 16 hours B: B. 18 hours C: C. 20 hours D: D. 24 hours