• 2022-06-07
    When did Chinese sculpture art design culture reach its peak?Its sculpture theme is mainly characters, both animals and things.
    A: Tang and Song
    B: Yuan
    C: Ming
    D: Qin and Han
  • D


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      And when did he live? A: Qin dynasty B: Han dynasty C: Tang dynasty D: Song dynasty

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      The art of tea is said to be born in the___ dynasty and blossomed in the ____ dynasty. A: Han, Tang B: Han, Sui C: Tang, Song D: Tang, Ming

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      When did the mature fictional novels arose? A: Song Dynasty B: Ming Dynasty C: Tang Dynasty D: Han Dynasty

    • 3

      The fineness of a sculpture first lies in its ________. A: sign B: signal C: design D: signature

    • 4

      Which dynasty did the Chinese knot originate from.( ) A: Tang and Song Dynasties B: Yuan Dynasty C: Ming Dynasty D: Qing Dynasty