• 2022-06-07
    The Russians were attacked and forced to ____.
    A: advance
    B: retire
    C: retreat
    D: draw
  • C


    • 0

      The defeated army had to _______ hastily from the field of battle to the coast. A: advance B: retreat C: march D: surrender

    • 1

      A lot of girls were forced to

    • 2

      ‎Rub some onion to a bee sting, mosquito bite or any insect bite. After a few hours, the pain, itchiness and swelling will ________.‎‎‎ A: retire B: retreat C: afflict D: subside E: enhance

    • 3

      Rub some onion to a bee sting, mosquito bite or any insect bite. After a few hours, the pain, itchiness and swelling will ________. A: retire B: retreat C: afflict D: subside E: enhance

    • 4

      A lot of girls were forced to ______of school in that poverty-stricken area.