• 2021-04-14
    What are the common types of logical fallacies
  • Red Herring,Begging the Question, Slippery Slope,Bandwagon,False Dilemma,False Cause (post hoc),Ad Hominem,Appeal to Authority


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      中国大学MOOC: What are the common types of Chinese Antithetical Couplets?

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      Which of the following sentences bear logical fallacies? (More than one answer)

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      What are the common types of Chinese Antithetical Couplets? A: Wedding couplets B: Birthday couplets C: Elegiac couplets D: Decoration couplets

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      What the author discussed in the previous section is most probably about _____. A: classification of reasoning B: some special types of reasoning C: relationships between causes and results D: some other common types of reasoning

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      The most common types of non-store retailers are____________________.